
童方彤, 董有浦, 刘益, 毛黎光, 李旭英. 2024. 基于构造地貌学的南盘江与红河分水岭特征分析. 地质科学, 59(2): 535-548. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2024.037
引用本文: 童方彤, 董有浦, 刘益, 毛黎光, 李旭英. 2024. 基于构造地貌学的南盘江与红河分水岭特征分析. 地质科学, 59(2): 535-548. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2024.037
Tong Fangtong, Dong Youpu, Liu Yi, Mao Liguang, Li Xuying. 2024. Migration characteristics of the watershed between Nanpan River and Red River based on morphotectonics. Chinese Journal of Geology, 59(2): 535-548. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2024.037
Citation: Tong Fangtong, Dong Youpu, Liu Yi, Mao Liguang, Li Xuying. 2024. Migration characteristics of the watershed between Nanpan River and Red River based on morphotectonics. Chinese Journal of Geology, 59(2): 535-548. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2024.037


  • 基金项目:



    童方彤, 女, 1997年生, 硕士研究生, 第四纪地质学专业。E-mail: 1178297223@qq.com

    通讯作者: 董有浦, 男, 1983年生, 副教授, 博士, 构造地质学专业。本文通讯作者。E-mail: dongypsd@126.com
  • 中图分类号: P542, P931.1

Migration characteristics of the watershed between Nanpan River and Red River based on morphotectonics

More Information
  • 红河曾经在古新世—始新世晚期发源于青藏高原内部,大约渐新世开始其流域面积逐渐缩小。自渐新世至今,青藏高原东南缘发育了一系列大规模走滑断裂。走滑断裂能够影响河流的流向、坡度以及河道形态等。在这些走滑断裂影响下,红河的流域面积是否会发生规律性的变化?本文以南盘江和红河流域分水岭为研究对象,探究红河在红河断裂、建水断裂及文麻断裂等走滑断裂的影响下,其分水岭的迁移特征。本文利用90 m分辨率的DEM提取了红河、南盘江的33条子流域,通过计算获得面积高程积分(HI)、谷底宽高比(VF)、河流陡峭指数(Ksn)和chi(χ)值4个地貌参数,结合野外调查揭示研究区构造活动性差异及分水岭的变化规律。结果显示,研究区分水岭呈分段性变化:龙树村—店房村段向南盘江迁移;店房村—腊梅村段向红河迁移,HI值、VF值及Ksn值三者所得结果与chi(χ)值结果对马鹿山—龙树村段存在不同认识。从整体上看,红河在逐渐失去其流域面积。非构造因素(降雨和岩性)不是控制研究区分水岭迁移的主要因素,研究区分水岭迁移主要受研究区内红河断裂、建水断裂、曲江断裂、文麻断裂及小江断裂南段的构造活动性强弱影响。

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Terrain rendering of the study area

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    Drainage basins extracted from the study area

    图 3 

    河道高程和chi(χ)值的线性关系(据 Whipple et al.,2017修改)

    Figure 3. 

    Linear relationship between channel elevation and chi(χ) value (modified from Whipple et al., 2017)

    图 4 

    均衡和非均衡状态的流域盆地及河道chi(χ)值剖面(据 Willett et al.,2014修改)

    Figure 4. 

    chi(χ) value profiles of basins and channels in equilibrium and disequilibrium states (modified from Willett et al., 2014)

    图 5 


    Figure 5. 

    Spatial distribution of HI values (a), HI values (b) and statistical comparison of HI values on the east and west sides bounded by Dianfang (c)

    图 6 


    Figure 6. 

    The slope concave curve of n1-5 (a), the slope convex curve of h1-16 (b), the slope convex curve of n6-13 (c) and the slope concave curve of h17-20 (d)

    图 7 

    VF值空间分布图(a),VF值(b. 红线为河谷横切面位置)及店房为界的东西两侧的VF值统计比较(c)

    Figure 7. 

    Spatial distribution of VF values (a), VF values (b. the red line is of the valley cross-section) and statistical comparison of VF values on the east and west sides bounded by Dianfang (c)

    图 8 


    Figure 8. 

    Valley profiles of h19 and n6

    图 9 


    Figure 9. 

    Spatial distribution of Ksn values (a), Ksn value (b) and the statistical comparison of east and west sides bounded by Dianfang (c)

    图 10 


    Figure 10. 

    Scatter distribution of mean Ksn value and watershed area

    图 11 


    Figure 11. 

    Spatial distribution of chi(χ) value

    图 12 

    红河野外调查点(位置见图 2

    Figure 12. 

    Red River field survey sites (see Fig. 2 for locations)

    图 13 

    南盘江野外调查点(位置见图 2

    Figure 13. 

    Nanpan River field survey sites (see Fig. 2 for locations)

    图 14 

    Nanpan River field survey sites(see Fig. 2 for locations)

    Figure 14. 

    Rock hardness (a) and study area split point location (b)

    图 15 


    Figure 15. 

    Distribution of average annual rainfall in the study area


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