
李金玺, 孙东, 李智武, 曹楠, 童馗, 廖俊, 张正鹏, 董建兴, 章旭. 2023. 四川盆地水热型地热资源构造成因模式. 地质科学, 58(2): 438-460. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.027
引用本文: 李金玺, 孙东, 李智武, 曹楠, 童馗, 廖俊, 张正鹏, 董建兴, 章旭. 2023. 四川盆地水热型地热资源构造成因模式. 地质科学, 58(2): 438-460. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.027
Li Jinxi, Sun Dong, Li Zhiwu, Cao Nan, Tong Kui, Liao Jun, Zhang Zhengpeng, Dong Jianxing, Zhang Xu. 2023. Structural genetic model of geothermal resources in Sichuan Basin. Chinese Journal of Geology, 58(2): 438-460. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.027
Citation: Li Jinxi, Sun Dong, Li Zhiwu, Cao Nan, Tong Kui, Liao Jun, Zhang Zhengpeng, Dong Jianxing, Zhang Xu. 2023. Structural genetic model of geothermal resources in Sichuan Basin. Chinese Journal of Geology, 58(2): 438-460. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.027


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    通讯作者: 孙东, 男, 1982年生, 博士, 正高级工程师, 构造地质学专业。本文通讯作者。E-mail: 67986685@qq.com
  • 中图分类号: P314;P542

Structural genetic model of geothermal resources in Sichuan Basin

More Information
  • 地处青藏高原东缘的四川盆地是一个群山环绕的叠合型沉积盆地,蕴含着丰富的地热资源。四川盆地具有突变型和渐变型两类盆山结构,二者的构造样式存在明显差异,对盆地及周缘的水热型地热资源分布具有明显的控制作用。通过解析盆地及周缘地质构造,明确了盆地不同构造单元的构造样式;详细对比分析已有的地热勘查案例的异同性,提出了褶皱型、单斜型和褶皱—断裂复合型等3大类水热型地热资源的构造成因模式;认为四川盆地形成与演化过程中,构造运动与水热型地热资源的形成密切相关,主要表现在:1)频繁不均匀升降运动导致构造—沉积格局分异,控制着地热储盖层岩性、组合及区域展布;2)构造抬升形成的不整合面和古岩溶作用极大改善了地热储层的孔渗物性和流体输导能力,形成了优质的碳酸盐岩孔洞型热储;3)断裂可能是地下热水的补给通道和输导系统,亦或是阻隔屏障,取决于断裂类型和断层两盘岩性配置关系;4)地下热水易于沿具走滑分量断层和张性断层进行补给和输导。

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Geomorphic map of Sichuan Basin and peripheral orogenic belts

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    Geological map and distribution of geothermal resources in Sichuan Basin and its periphery

    图 3 

    川北米仓山构造带地质构造剖面图A-A'和B-B'(剖面位置见图 1

    Figure 3. 

    A-A' and B-B' sections of the Micangshan tectonic belt (see section location in Fig. 1)

    图 4 

    川东北南大巴山地质构造剖面图C-C'(剖面位置见图 1

    Figure 4. 

    C-C' section of the Dabashan tectonic belt (see section location in Fig. 1)

    图 5 

    龙门山南段冲断带地质构造剖面D-D'、E-E'、F-F'(剖面位置见图 1

    Figure 5. 

    Three sections of the Longmenshan thrust belt (see section location in Fig. 1)

    图 6 

    川西南大凉山构造带地质构造剖面G-G'(剖面位置见图 1

    Figure 6. 

    G-G' section of the Daliangshan tectonic belt (see section location in Fig. 1)

    图 7 

    川东南大娄山构造带地质构造剖面图H-H'和I-I'(剖面位置见图 1

    Figure 7. 

    H-H' and I -I' sections of the Daloushan tectonic belt (see section location in Fig. 1)

    图 8 

    川东高陡构造带地质剖面图J-J'和K-K'(剖面位置见图 1;J-J'剖面据邹玉涛等,2015;K-K'剖面据郭卫星等,2021

    Figure 8. 

    Two sections of the eastern Sichuan Basin (section location in Fig. 1, J-J' section from Zou et al., 2015; K-K' section from Guo et al., 2021)

    图 9 


    Figure 9. 

    The genetic model of anticline for geothermal resource (modified after Li et al., 2017)

    图 10 

    地热向斜成因模式图(a. 据邓亚东等,2013修改;b. 据姜本鸿等,1993

    Figure 10. 

    The genetic model of syncline for geothermal resource (a, modified after Deng et al., 2013; b, after Jiang et al., 1993)

    图 11 


    Figure 11. 

    The genetic model of fold belts for geothermal resource in southern Sichuan Basin (modified after Xiao, 2009)

    图 12 


    Figure 12. 

    The genetic model of monocline for geothermal resource

    图 13 


    Figure 13. 

    The genetic model of faults and folds for geothermal resource in the Luofushan hot spring in Mianyang City (modified after Luo et al., 2016)

    图 14 


    Figure 14. 

    The genetic model of faults and folds for geothermal resource in southwest margin of the Sichuan Basin

    图 15 


    Figure 15. 

    The genetic model of faults and folds for geothermal resource in Shiyesi hot spring in Chongqing City

    图 16 

    四川盆地储层盖层与盆地演化关系(据Zhu et al., 2016

    Figure 16. 

    The relationship between the reservoir and cap sequences and the evolution of Sichuan Basin (after Zhu et al., 2016)


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