
杨庚, 陈竹新. 2023. 塔西南齐姆根楔形构造与走滑构造叠加两阶段演化模式. 地质科学, 58(2): 347-378. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.023
引用本文: 杨庚, 陈竹新. 2023. 塔西南齐姆根楔形构造与走滑构造叠加两阶段演化模式. 地质科学, 58(2): 347-378. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.023
Yang Geng, Chen Zhuxin. 2023. A two-stage evolution model of the wedged-shaped structures superposed with strike-slip faulting for the Qimugen oroclines of the Southwest Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Chinese Journal of Geology, 58(2): 347-378. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.023
Citation: Yang Geng, Chen Zhuxin. 2023. A two-stage evolution model of the wedged-shaped structures superposed with strike-slip faulting for the Qimugen oroclines of the Southwest Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Chinese Journal of Geology, 58(2): 347-378. doi: 10.12017/dzkx.2023.023


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A two-stage evolution model of the wedged-shaped structures superposed with strike-slip faulting for the Qimugen oroclines of the Southwest Tarim Basin, Northwest China

  • 塔里木盆地西南缘逆冲带由西部近东西方向的喀什逆冲构造带和东部近东西方向柯克亚—和田逆冲构造带以及中间喀什—叶城走滑断层系组成,而北西—南东走向的喀什—叶城走滑断层带及其东侧齐姆根构造则为呈北东方向凸出的弧形构造。齐姆根弧形构造在地表地质和地震剖面均表现为向盆地方向倾斜的单斜形态。而且在塔西南地区,该弧形构造上从白垩系到新近系地层厚度明显大于东西两侧逆冲带同时代地层厚度,表现为异常增厚的特征。为了探讨齐姆根弧形构造特征及地层厚度异常增厚等原因,依据前人的地表地质填图成果,以及塔里木盆地西南缘齐姆根地区及邻区完成的二维地震资料及钻井资料成果,对该区地震剖面资料进行详细的构造解释,提出齐姆根弧形构造单斜之下存在3个隐伏逆冲构造楔形体,即棋盘楔形构造、齐姆根楔形构造和英吉沙楔形构造。地震剖面解释的生长地层指出棋盘楔形构造形成最早,为上新世阿图什组沉积时期;其次发育齐姆根楔形构造,为更新世西域组底部沉积时期;最晚发育英吉沙楔形构造,时间大约在更新世西域组中?上段沉积时期,据此认为齐姆根中深层逆冲构造位移扩展方式为前展式。而且地震剖面解释上也揭示了白垩系到新近系地层厚度异常增厚发育的构造部位及发育规律,说明地层异常厚度变化受区域构造控制,其时间大约为更新世西域组沉积时期。该时期对应于喀什—叶城走滑断层系活动时期,据此我们推测由于走滑断层系区域侧向挤压作用以及东西两侧发育的逆冲构造带起到了限制阻挡作用,三者联合之下造成了齐姆根单斜上含软弱层的各时代地层被挤压屈曲形成弧形形态构造,在弧形构造发育期间岩层之间层间滑脱加厚可导致地层厚度异常增厚。综合前面认识,最后提出齐姆根弧形构造为叠加构造发育地区,经历了早、晚两期构造叠加变形:早期为逆冲楔形构造发育阶段,晚期为走滑作用改造及弧形构造形成阶段。而且沿着齐姆根弧形构造走向,弧形构造北西侧翼部单斜发生逆时针旋转,而弧形构造南东侧翼部单斜发生顺时针旋转,并得到已有古地磁数据支持,属于旋转弧构造类型。该认识支持了帕米尔东侧局部弧形构造是在早期发育的逆冲推覆构造基础上,逐渐叠加有晚期发育的左旋走滑断层而形成弧形构造。

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  • 图 1 

    帕米尔造山带区域构造图(据Robison et al., 2004修改;图中古地磁资料据Bosboom et al., 2014c

    Figure 1. 

    Tectonic map of the Pamir orogenic belt showing major tectonic domains (modified after Robison et al., 2004; paleomagnetic results from Bosboom et al., 2014c)

    图 2 

    帕米尔东缘简化地质图(据新疆地质矿产局,1993;Robinson,2009;Cowgill,2011;Wang et al., 2014修改)及塔西南齐姆根弧形构造带钻井及地震剖面构造解释位置图

    Figure 2. 

    Simplified geological map of the eastern margin of Pamir (modified after Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 1993; Robinson, 2009;Cowgill, 2011;Wang et al., 2014) and locations of the Qimugen oroclines with well data and seismic lines in the West Tarim Basin

    图 3 

    塔西南齐姆根弧形构造带地层柱状简图(据张惠良等,2005陈锐明等,2011Bosboom et al., 2014a, 2014b, 2014c郭刚等,2014郭群英等,2014

    Figure 3. 

    Simplified regional lithostratigraphic framework from the Cretaceous to the present sedimentary rocks in the Qimugen oroclines of Southwest Tarim Basin (after Zhang et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2011; Bosboom et al., 2014a, 2014b, 2014c; Guo et al., 2014; Guo et al., 2014)

    图 4 

    塔西南齐姆根弧形构造最西端的北东—南西向地震剖面AA'(a)及构造解释图(b. 其中G1、G2为生长地层期次)

    Figure 4. 

    Un-interpretation of the seismic profile AA' (a) and structural interpretation of seismic line AA' (b, G1 and G2 is first and second time of the growth strata, respectively) from the Qimugen oroclines to Yinjisha anticline

    图 5 


    Figure 5. 

    Un-interpretation of the seismic profile BB' (a) and structural interpretation of seismic line BB' (b) from the Qimugen oroclines to east to the Yinjisha anticline

    图 6 


    Figure 6. 

    Un-interpretation of the seismic profile CC' (a) and structural interpretation of seismic line CC' (b) from the Qimugen oroclines to east to the Yinjisha anticline

    图 7 


    Figure 7. 

    Structural interpretation of seismic line DD' (a) from the west to the east and structural interpretation of local zoom's seismic profile form seismic line DD' (b) in the Qimugen oroclines

    图 8 


    Figure 8. 

    Un-interpretation of the seismic profile EE' (a) and structural interpretation of seismic line EE' (b) from the west to the east in the Qimugen oroclines

    图 9 


    Figure 9. 

    Sketches to illustrate a simple analogue for the deformation in the Qimugen monocline (parallel paper sheets) affected by the Kashi-Yecheng strike faulting in the west Kunlun

    图 10 


    Figure 10. 

    Simple evolution of block model interpreted from the 2D seismic data and well data of the Qimugen oroclines in the West Kunlun


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